Minimum Health Requirements

Health Information

We are often asked by responsible pet owners what vacinations are required for a Dog or a Cat to safely enter a Kennels environment. Casa Antigua requires up- to-date evidence of the following vaccinations:


Rabia = In Spain, as a pet owner, you have a legal responsibility to vaccinate your dog against this disease.

Moquillo, Parvovirosis, Hepatitis & Leptospira = In Spain, your are not legally obliged to vaccinate your dog against these diseases. However, as a responsible pet owner you will want to and Casa Antigua requires proof of this.

Kennel Cough = If you do not protect your dog from Kennel Cough, prior to it encountering another dog who has it, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to provent it contracting this disease. However, not all dogs will contract it, it depends on their tolerance at the time of the risk. Kennel cough in dogs can be likened to a mild case of influenza in humans. Like influenza in humans, the disease is caused by a mixture of viruses and bacteria. The infection affects the upper respiratory tract of the dog and although it is not considered dangerous, we strongly recommend that you protect your dog from this disease.Please speak to your vet about this as their are different treatments available that will protect your dog.

Leishmaniosis = Unlike Kennel Cough, Leishmaniosis can be deadly. Up until recently, there was no vaccination availalbe to protect your dog form this dreadful disease. However, thankfully, there now is a vaccination that will offer protection to your dog.

Fleas, Ticks and Worms = There a many products available that will protect your dog against Flea's, Tick's, Worms and other Skin Paracites and Sand Fly's. Please speak with you Vet to understand what is best for your dog as no single product repells all problems.



Vaccinations: Panleucopeuia, Rinotraqueihs, Rabies, Calicivirus and Lencennia.

Fleas, Ticks and Worms

There a many products available that will protect your dogs and cats against Flea's, Tick's, Worms and other Skin Paracites and Sand Fly's. Please speak with your vet to understand what is best for your pet as no single product repells all problems.

We treat the health of your pet very seriously. The information displayed on this page is a guidline and Casa Antigua can not be held responsible for the outcome of this advice. It is displayed to advise you on what are the minimum requirement you need to bring your pet into Casa Antigua and to act as a guidline on how best to protect your pet. However, our best advice is to talk to your vet.